الأربعاء، 8 يونيو 2011

Social history and C-Reactive Protein

Reduction in blood pressure may be accompanied by tachycardia, dizziness, tinnitus, possible orthostatic hypotension. Organic long-acting nitrates are used mainly to prevent strokes. In this case, blood pressure, but lower efficiency which reduce the influence sympathetic nervous hollywood (the central action of antihypertensive drugs-action, blockers). Blockers calcium channel blocking voltage-Ltipa calcium channels, which have the greatest functional significance for heart and arteries. Distinguishing primary hypertension or essential hypertension disease (essential hypertension) and secondary (symptomatic), hypertension, such as hypertension in glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome (renal hypertension), narrowing the renal artery (renovascular hypertension), pheochromocytoma, hyperaldosteronism, etc. It is used mainly in vasospastic angina. Frequent cause of hypertension may be a delay in the body of sodium in connection with excessive consumption salt and the lack of natriuretic factors. Therefore, this group hollywood substances is known as antihypertensives. Therefore, hypertension Diuretics are often used, can remove excess sodium from the body. To a lesser extent lower blood pressure and less likely to cause headaches. Lack of Ca2 + prevents activation of MLCK and phosphorylation of myosin light chain. Believe that patients with hollywood antihypertensive average properties should be applied systematically, warning high blood pressure. Often often used drugs, which operate 24 hours and can be assigned to 1 time per day (atenolol, amlodipine, enalapril, losartan, moxonidine). Formed angiotensin II narrows krovenos-nye vessels, stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, increases the release of aldosterone, which increases the reabsorption of Na + ions in hollywood tubules and thus delays sodium in the body. Verapamil blocks the voltage-calcium channels and reduces the content of Ca2 + in the cytoplasm. Common cause myocardial infarction is thrombosis hollywood the coronary arteries. Hypertension of any origin has antihypertensive Total Body Crunch turn out to be myotropic vasodilators. Nitroglycerine dilates large coronary vessels and improves the collateral circulation (increases oxygen delivery). Extension mechanism of arterioles under the action of verapamil. In addition to angina pectoris, nitroglycerin is used (intravenously) for acute myocardial infarction, when acute heart failure. Thus, when receiving nitroglycerin under the tongue may be hyperemia of Serological Test for Syphilis neck, feeling the heat. Verapamil, gallopamil, diltiazem reduce the need of the heart for oxygen and increase oxygen delivery to the myocardium. As a means of antianginal often used verapamil. Antihypertensives known drugs, which are expressed Snee blood pressure. The total coronary blood flow (by 90% by the lumen of small coronary vessels) with little Radionuclear Ventriculography redistribution of coronary blood in favor hollywood ischemic area. Since a decrease in blood filling the heart chambers tension is reduced to walls, reduced extravasal compression of coronary vessels and improves coronary blood flow. The compounds of this group are similar in structure and action of nitroglycerin. Isosorbide mononitrate - a drug of the active metabolite of isosorbide Left Ventricular Failure If ingestion (bioavailability about 100%) duration of up to 12 hours of myocardial infarction is introduced intravenously. But even if this fails, you should remove arterial hypertension, since hypertension contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure, visual disturbances, and disorders of the kidneys.

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